Success in a Remote Environment – Part I: Physical Structure

It seems like everyone has an opinion on this topic, but with good reason. The way that you set up your remote environment can either be very positive or just another stressor in this time of so much extra on your plate. For many, this is the first time being so cut off and removed from community and so setting up your home workspace is that much more critical.

One of the most important elements to your physical health is the physical structure of your space. Body mechanics (how you move) and ergonomics (environmental set-up) both play a very important role in your overall health and wellbeing, including giving you more energy, less pain, and many long-term physical benefits. Most people are aware of things like proper lifting techniques, but there are some easy-to-recognize actions for desk jobs as well. One that seems straight-forward is to ensure your hands are supported when typing to help avoid carpel tunnel. In practical use in the home though, this can be a tough one when the lure of working on the couch presents itself. Recommendations to alleviate desk-based aches and pains also include a supportive chair, maintaining a good height on your computer screen (should be eye-level), and keeping things like your phone, keyboard, and mouse in easy-to-reach locations. Some more advanced recommendations include using a stability ball instead of a chair, working from a standing or walking desk, or ambling around while using dictation software to handle some of the items you would otherwise be typing.

Another element that can be tough to be stringent with yourself about is taking breaks. Eye strain is all too common with computer-based positions and simply adjusting your gaze from the computer to a farther distance will help ease your eyes. While there are many opinions on how often you should physically stand up and move around during the work day, there is no argument that it is better for you to do so. If you need to set yourself a reminder or an alarm, do it and get up and moving at least twice an hour to give your body a chance to readjust.

Next, consider distractions. This is a really tough one for parents of young children who are all now suddenly working and learning in the same spaces. Everyone has their own realities with regard to space and housing, but if at all possible, finding a place that is only yours for work and another that is designated for the kids to learn in is really helpful. If personalized space isn’t an option, then maybe consider breaking up your day so that a common space is identified exclusively for business at some times, solely for education at other times. Taking breaks, while healthy for you, will definitely help boost your focus too! 

Most folks have thought about the great benefits of working from home but not often the potential hurdles. However, with a little planning, working remote can be amazing, just take a few steps to create a successful working space for yourself! In our next segment, we will take a look at remote work and the impact on our mental wellbeing. 

For more information on how It’s About the Details can assist your small business, team, or company with any Human Resources needs, Training, or Business Mentoring, reach out to us at [email protected] and we will contact you directly to help facilitate enhancements for your business to thrive. 

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