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Success in a Remote Environment - Part I: Physical Structure

Success in a Remote Environment – Part I: Physical Structure

It seems like everyone has an opinion on this topic, but with good reason. The way that you set up your remote environment can either be very positive or just another stressor in this time of so much extra on your plate. For many, this is the first time being so cut off and removed…

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Hosting a Successful Meeting

Hosting a Successful Meeting

Everyone has been to an unsuccessful meeting.  The meeting that starts at 8am, has no coffee, and goes on longer than it was scheduled is notorious.  Loathing is designated for the meeting that could have been an email.  The Friday afternoon meeting before a holiday weekend or the constantly rescheduled meeting that never seems to…

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Service Excellence in Surprising Places

Service Excellence in Surprising Places

Most of us in the hospitality or service industries know good service when we experience it but it doesn’t necessarily mean luxurious service specifically. One of my favorite service stories is a small auto repair shop by the name of Mark’s Independent Service. It may initially seem a bit incongruous because don’t most people hate…

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Employee Engagement Meets Compensation

Employee Engagement Meets Compensation

As a working member of society, we all know how important wages are to a sense of satisfaction with any job. However, there are many things that can contribute to overall engagement aside from a dollar per hour pay increase. Let’s take a look at some of the less obvious compensation options that can help…

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Common Labor & Hour Mistakes - California

Common Labor & Hour Mistakes – California

Most small businesses are born of an individual’s passion or formed due to overwhelming need in the community. Passion in entrepreneurship is a wonderful thing. It is the American spirit to rise from less and make something of oneself in business. Often times though, the gap between passion and a comprehensive knowledge of California Employment…

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Service Culture: Hospitality in the Time of COVID-19

Service Culture: Hospitality in the Time of COVID-19

It’s safe to say that the hospitality industry has taken a major hit with the onset of COVID-19. Some hospitality businesses will survive, some will thrive, and some, unfortunately will cease to exist. When times are hard, people seek value and comfort more than any other time. Small businesses are the heart of all our…

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Enhancing workplace connections in a Pandemic

Enhancing workplace connections in a Pandemic

 It is no secret that we are living in a different world right now and we may feel disconnected from one another. These disconnections can come in many forms, whether it is in the workplace, among friends and family, or just feeling the need to go out and be social again. As we continue to…

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